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Fabric Care Guide

How do I care for my Fabric, Canvas, Material & Clothing?

All textiles (any type of woven cloth or fabric) need care, especially if you want it to perform in tough environments and to a high level. Here at Artisan's Son we have a simple yet effective care plan for your fabrics which will ensure you get the most out of your gear.

1.) Clean your Fabric :

Keeping your fabric clean is a key part of storing your items but also increasing it's longevity. Dirty fabric can attract unwanted insect which can attack your garments and will make it difficult to reapply a protectant to the surface. 
Whatever the item follow the care guide on the tag, wash it, clean it and let it dry. 

2.) Seal - Protect - Waterproof Fabric :

Now that your fabric is clean and dry, it is time to make it waterproof, more durable and give it a truly unique look. Applying Artisan's Son Fabric Wax is not only easy to do but is safe to use on all fabric types. Simply rub it on your fabric, allow it to set and then your ready to go.


3.) Cleaning Previously Waxed Fabric : 

If your fabric was been previously waxed, cleaning should be done either by;

# Spot cleaning - Using a soft horsehair brush (see Artisan's Son store for brushes) and a mild soap, spot clean area. 

# Whole garment cleaning - Use a wool wash or mild detergent hand wash the item. If using the washing machine, use the appropriate setting. 

After washing, check to see if the fabric is still waterproof. To do this, place a few drops of water onto the fabric, if the water beads, the fabric is waterproof. If the water doesn't bead on the surface of the fabric, reapply Artisan's Son Fabric Wax. 

Click here to watch the process of waxing


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